“I’ll do anything you want,” he said.
cover of 'Sweetheart'

Archie is trying to reconcile with his family and go back to work full time, live an almost-normal life. But his liver is failing, on account of all the pills and also not having a spleen (Gretchen surgically removed it without anaesthetic). Meanwhile, Gretchen escapes from prison.

Archie and his family are put into “protection,” housed at an upscale club and surrounded by cops to protect them from Gretchen.

Then Archie just walks out the back door and gets in Gretchen’s car.

forest fire

She takes him to a fancy cabin in the mountains for a romantic getaway. It’s revealed that (before he knew she was a serial killer) Archie and Gretchen had an affair, so they decide to pick up where they left off while they wait for Archie to die of organ failure. Also there’s a forest fire headed their way.

Susan and Henry arrive to rescue Archie, just as he’s decided to stop waiting to die and just overdose instead. They help Gretchen give him Narcan, then Gretchen escapes on foot into the forest fire while they get Archie to safety.

“I want you,” she said. “I’ve always wanted you.”